TOP Ukrainian dishes

The list of interesting Ukrainian dishes and culinary traditions can be continued for a very long time. Fortunately, interest in the revival and popularization of authentic dishes is growing rapidly. Discover delicious Ukraine while traveling and at home, because the nation's gastronomic culture is no less important than its history or art.

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The creation of Kompot Kitchen

We, the creators of Kompot Kitchen, are immigrants from Ukraine. Specifically Kharkiv. The picture attached to this blog post is our cottage, located in a forest area between Kharkiv and Merefa. We grew up with our families cooking simple, yet exceptionally nutritious and healthy meals for us. Meals which mostly consisted of home grown ingredients, by our families, on our own lands. We played outdoors, climbed trees, ran around in between high rise post soviet union courtyards, and knew true freedom. We did not have much, by today's standards we were poorer than poor. But it did not matter to us. Love was abundant and apparent, community was strong, relationships were real.

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Liliya Bratyslavska

Designer, florist, and chef. Responsible for new dish creation, preparation, delivery, and logistics

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